A lot has been said about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and no one doubts the need for sports - both for weight loss and for maintaining the overall tone of the body. But what about those who, due to poor health or lack of time, cannot attend the gym and group fitness or aerobics classes?
To solve the problem of physical inactivity, such people will be helped by classes on a vibration platform, which have proven to be a pleasant and effective training.
The vibration platform is a unique simulator that allows you to train muscles without harmful stress on the joints. It is a platform with handrails that vibrates. It is the vibrations that provide rhythmic contractions and relaxation of the muscles, as it happens during a normal workout.
If you decide to choose this method of training, it is important to figure out how to practice on the vibration platform correctly.
Be sure to do a small but intense warm-up: this will help prepare the muscles for the load. Consistently perform 3-4 basic exercises aimed at working out different muscle groups:
Belly, hips, waist: put one foot on the platform, leave the other on the floor; keep your balance for 10 minutes. Legs, buttocks, back: stand with both feet on the vibration platform, grasp the handrails with your hands, perform the exercise for 7-8 minutes.
Arms, shoulders, hips: sit on the platform, pull your knees up to your chest and lock in this position for 9-10 minutes.
Upper body: kneel at the platform and place your hands on its surface; it is recommended to perform the exercise for about 10-12 minutes.
Thus, classes on a vibration platform together with a warm-up will take you about 30-45 minutes. The effect of such a workout is comparable to a standard hour and a half session in the gym. Practicing 3 times a week, you can significantly reduce body weight and volume, reduce the appearance of cellulite, but that's not all.
Such workouts improve lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation, so that you will gain a healthy complexion and vigor. In addition to the cosmetic effect, the vibration platform also has a therapeutic effect. Vibrations have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the lower extremities, improve the elasticity of ligaments and help to recover from injuries or a passive lifestyle.
Before starting classes, be sure to consult a doctor: despite the apparent benefits, such workouts have a number of contraindications. Online casino bonuses vary widely. Newcomers who decide to take advantage of the welcome bonus package can get a total of £1,800. Note that bonuses are subject to wagering. Therefore, you won't be able to take advantage of the no deposit bonus code www.richyfoxcasino.co.uk at the king casino just yet. However, it is possible that no deposit bonuses will appear in the casino in the near future. To find out about their appearance, you can visit the casino's website by simply checking there periodically.